PPP remains a strong and vibrant force
FROM the beginning there was profound hatred and jealousy for the PPP and it proliferated and dominated every realm of their psyche. The dedicated consistency to the most perverted and brazen form of propaganda against the PPP emanates from the depth of hatred and jealousy for the progressive strive the party continues to make in the absolute interests of all Guyanese.
In the history of local politics, the PPP has proven to be the most qualified and competent organized force to deliver the goods and services to Guyanese across, the ethnic, social, religious and political divide. As a Third World developing country Guyana’s performance record is commendable even in the face of the harsh realities and challenges a lot of which are created by the dominance and influences of the developed world.
Guyana’s management of its economy by successive PPPC administrations, the reduction of the debt burden and provision of basic goods and services to its people could be referred to as miraculous undertakings given the inheritance of a bankrupt economy left by the PNC.
The U.S. Government validates Guyana’s investment in its people through its Assistant Secretary of State, Thomas Shannon who visited Guyana last week. Shannon at a Joint Press Conference with President Bharrat Jagdeo is quoted as saying, “What we have learnt over time is that for democracies to be successful, they must deliver the goods and benefits and services to the poor, the most vulnerable members of society and to do that they have to invest in their own people and we are seeing that here in Guyana.’’ He went on to state that Guyana’s accomplishment is indicative of the kind of advances it is making in the very important area of people investment.
Those anti-PPP bandwagoners, critics of all sorts in their absence of rationalized positions opt to fabricate untenable claims about the persistence of marginalization and discrimination in our society. These claims are orchestrated falsehoods aimed at undermining the potential for increased support, especially among Afro-Guyanese. The PPP has maintained a steady majority in general elections because of the increasing support of Amerindians and Afro-Guyanese. If Region 4 is any example to go by, bearing in mind it was the traditional stronghold of the PNC, then the one seat PNC gained over the PPPC at 2006 Regional elections requires serious notation.
Shaken by the reality of growing Afro-Guyanese population within the PPP, these critics utilizing their celebrated art of deceit sought to relegate the Afro-Guyanese support in the PPP nomination day parade to a bought and paid for arrangement, an outright absurdity resemblance of an entrapped mind.
I am sure it is similarly amusing to every other sane Guyanese that these PPP critics in attempting to rationalize power sharing as a solution to the withdrawal of their propagandistic masquerading, in one breadth challenges the veracity, competence and intellect of the PPP/C administration.
These critics hold an entrenched hatred for the PPP because its philosophy, principles and beliefs remain relevant to the Guyanese people, especially the poor and working class categories.
The tenacity of the PPP is of unmatched character. The critics many of whom have failed to undo the onslaught of injustices against Guyanese in the many years of the PNC dictatorial and oppressive regime are in no moral authority to criticize the PPP for a superiorly far better job of governance. Many of the governance issues that affect efficient progression in Guyana today were inherited by the PNC. The rebuilding process was never intended to be an overnight task, certainly not in the state Guyana was left.
As the only working class movement in Guyana, the PPP will continue amidst all the difficulties of inadequate financial and human resources, to earnestly strive to shape an environment in which every Guyanese can lead productive lives through the development of their full potential. What’s next critics? KWAME MCKOY